This is a book about a positive future. There are many books out there about how bleak the future is. There are many people, who are much more intelligent then I and who have had a much better education then I have had, who proclaim with certainty that we are all doomed and that the world will come to an end quite soon, with fire and brimstone falling down from the sky.
If those kinds of people are correct, then we're all going to die, and that's not much of an ending. It's certainly no way to sell a book.
We need to figure out how to reduce the atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases and bring our environment into balance. It is important, and in this book, I hope to show how profitable it can be. Also, I hope to communicate to people how this is already underway in many different communities around the world. In fact, the places where the most exciting kinds of activities are occurring is often in the most poverty stricken areas, where people have no choice, but to generate a working solution in order to survive.
Some scientists and engineers have proclaimed that our planet is only capable of supporting 40 billion human beings. The intention exists to shatter that estimation. Our planet is actually capable of producing more then enough food to feed over 400 billion humans sustainably.
Systems will need to adapt to these realizations, and the fact is that there is no real shortage of food, nor will there ever really need to be a shortage of food, ever, on this planet, if we can approach the problems before us as intelligent, enlightened human beings, who work together against insurmountable odds.
The most pressing problems that we are currently facing in terms of feeding the populations of the planet, are mostly related to supply chains and economics. There is plenty of food on the planet to feed the current populations. In fact, many people are startled to find out that many of the populations of the world, in tropical areas, that have historically been defined as starving, are now well-fed and have regular access to sufficient nutrition for good health and normal physical development.

In Thailand, and in other tropical countries around the world, people are growing a plant called Moringa. Moringa is a fast-growing tree with many different uses. The seeds are ground and pressed to release an oil that is clear, nutritious and with a mild flavor that is a real blessing for cooking and for producing clear light in lamps. By-products from this process include a seed cake that is capable of purifying drinking water and also makes an excellent fertilizer. When mixed with neem seed cake, it is like a miracle in the soil. Everything grows healthier and stronger.
Almost like magic, the soil is improved and output increases. There is enough food for everyone and our global resources are protected from exploitation by selfish, inconsiderate individuals and organizations. Without an educated approach, it is as if everything just crumbles in your fingers. Without morality, it's as if all your efforts are just sprayed out on the ground before you, wasted.
In some countries, the medical system is so effective that people
spend much of their time enjoying their lives and working towards goals
that they believe in. In countries like this, the people know that they
are healthy. Where the people who live there, live in the embrace of wonderment that is God, or
Allah, or whatever your name for the infinite truth is.
Communities where the
soil was barren, and the people lived in squalor and poverty, they are now
incredibly wealthy. The world is changing and the people who aren't wasting their energy and their time destroying each other are becoming more and more healthy and more and more prosperous. Their world is gaining value every day. Their children are growing healthier and stronger every day. Their efforts are gradually gaining importance over time.
They live in a world where it is a crime to hurt or injure each other. Where people are imprisoned for committing crimes, and where those prisons are almost empty.
There are medical offices in the world, right now, where you can go to get cured. Where they use computers with probabilistic software to figure out exactly what is wrong and then they generate a treatment that will cure you, often without medication.
There are surgeries that used to cost thousands and thousands of dollars, and that resulted in the patient having to take pills for the rest of their lives. Now those surgeries are replaced by a procedure, performed by a technician in a few minutes with a machine that only costs a few hundred dollars.
There are conditions that used to kill people within a year or two, that are now treatable with just some simple changes in diet.
How do I know all this to be true? Because my daughter is alive and healthy and just a few years prior, she would have died in the hospital, and nobody would have been able to say anything about it that would have made any sense at all to a caring, loving parent. She would have just been another child that didn't make it, and she's alive now. She sings and makes up stories and she makes friends and draws and she's just a little miracle.